Hey everyone! The announcement for today is that we are moving out of this ad-infested pit and move to a more flexible site. The comics will be uploaded there, and this site in a few days will only redirect the readers to the new one. I hope you’ll like it! Direct link Indirect link http://bdchronicles.tk/
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Hey everyone! The announcement for today is that we are moving out of this ad-infested pit and move to a more flexible site. The comics will be uploaded there, and this site in a few days will only redirect the readers to the new one. I hope you’ll like it! Direct link Indirect link http://bdchronicles.tk/
Komentarze wyłączone

Today I received a mail from Blizz in which I can claim a 7-day-game-time valid till 01.12.10 (yes, haven’t been playing for a year now ). Now, a riddle: As I have already been given a 7-day trial, will the two stack, replace each other or be available as two separate bonuses? Riddles…
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