Draco leaks some info on how his job, which surprisingly he finds amusing, looks like. He also spills the beans about why he never takes his hood off. The truth is scarrier than one might have thought

As we received many questions concerning Volvenstih, we will provide you with some explanation. Due to a horrible and traumatic accident, his mind was broken and he became who we know nowadays- Volv. No one knows how to repair the goggles, as the secret was taken to the depths of its creator’s mind.
The strip is relatively fresh. Due to the fact that I wanted to avoid posting the 2010 Easter strip, I was forced to change the order in which they are published. In fact, this one is ‘just’ one month old, which is something as I decided to publish them one year after the first was made
The weather starts to be cold and wet, brrrr… Take some aspirin and eat a lot of fruit. The worst thing would be getting a cold when you really don’t need it

The team still tries to cope with the budget gap. There comes the time when they have to abandon old ways and do the ultimate sacrifice – finding a job. Today’s strip depicts this gruesome process

And so it happened! The coffers are empty and the team has no choice. Draco is forced to make others work, but is he really..?
Today’s strip was originally planned to be an April fools extra. Thanks to some changes I managed to post it today though. Because of the end of summer vacation I’m going to update once a week, preferably Wednesday
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Tappy has found a new home in Black Dragons, filling the post of the guild’s Druid. However, it appears that the lil’ one is smarter than previously expected..

The adventures of Volv in the dragon’s cave. For your convenience we’re translating Draconic into common. Will the plushie be sufficient to pay the guild’s debts?

Another attempt to catch a Dragon. Volv’s closer than ever to his goal. Will he succeed?
For all those who actually know WoW: No, it’s not Onyxia; yes, that’s her lair; yes, that Dragon looks like Nefarian; yes, that was the idea from the beginning
Tauren? I love Tauren! Try considering those used in the strip as redneck gals and it’ll all sort out on its own
Have fun and please vote

In today’s episode we witness all the various techniques used by our heroes to find the Dragon’s Lair. It seems the best option is still having a drink at the local bar..

The day has come. The second installment for Karazhan won’t pay itself. Our heroes think of the best solution…

It’s high time to fill the empty post of the guild’s Druid! He will probably not cast many spells, but look at the muscles on him! Ferrroucious beast! :3
A word of explanation: Michom is an old member of our gang, who left the guild several years ago. His speech is connected with OGame, a popular browser game, and all the changes introduced to it some time ago. We haven’t seen Michom for quite a long time, but there is always hope, right?
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